Concern vs. Worry vs. Obliviousness




“Has this happened yet?” “Oh, no, what if this happens?” “This could never happen.”
“How likely is this to happen?” “Oh, no, what if this happens?” “This could never happen.”
“How can we tell if this happens?” “Oh, no, what if this happens?” “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil…”
“Can we prevent this from happening?” “Oh, no, what if this happens?” “This could never happen.”
“What will be the impact if this happens?” “Oh, no, what if this happens?” “No problem…”
“Can we prepare for that impact?” “Oh, no, what if this happens?” “Cross that bridge when we come to it.”
“Can we manage that impact if it happens?” “Oh, no, what if this happens?” “Cross that bridge when we come to it.”
“Who will be responsible for watching and managing this?” “Oh, no, who will we blame if this happens?” “I didn’t do it!”
“We’d better do something about this!” “Somebody’d better do something about this!” “This could never happen.”
“There’s nothing to do about this right now, so let’s focus on what we can do.” “Oh, no, what if this happens?” “Looks like smooooooth sailing ahead.”

Which column describes your project management techniques?

Disclaimer: This has nothing to do with any of my current projects or clients. The person who inspired this already knows who he is, and is firmly in column 1. Any other resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental.

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