Ulterior Motive Lounge Episode 6: Class Act

In our last episode, The Reader and The UML Guy drove through time and space in The Search for Class Diagrams. Along the way, they held a long discussion on the philosophy of modeling. But The Reader was surprised when they reached their destination: they were back at the Lounge!

(Click picture to see larger image.)

Episode 6

If you haven’t seen the film, parts of this strip will make no sense at all. I like some oddball films. Get used to it…

Oh, and because Editor Bill and Ernie Out in the Barn demanded it, Receptionist got contacts, and a makeover.

One thought on “Ulterior Motive Lounge Episode 6: Class Act

  1. Pingback: Ulterior Motive Lounge Episode 7: Pizza Party | The UML Guy

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